“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.”

– Jim Rohn

Why do some people seem to attract talent wherever they go, and grow talent from the oddest places? Why are other leaders constantly churning through staff who go on to do better things elsewhere? Liz Wiseman’s heavily researched look at Multipliers vs Diminishers takes a good hard look at why some people make the best […]

Written in 1984, The Goal is a management classic. Written in a unique fictional narrative form, it mixes principles critical to any manufacturing or distribution business with the personal life story of the main character, Alex Rogo. Alex handles serious marital issues while he seeks to save his company’s plant from closing in his hometown. […]

David Epstein explores the other side of specialist vs generalist in sports then applies that to business. Recognized as one of the best business books of the year in 2019, Epstein argues that broad specialization in the early stages of one’s career is a critical foundation to growth later on when one eventually specializes. Why […]

Start with Why Book Review - book cover

Key to developing engaged employees that are bonded to your organization is developing a belief that the organization serves a greater purpose than just putting dollars and cents in the owners’ and employees’ pockets.  If you want a great teaser on this book and it’s primary concepts, Simon Sinek’s 18 minute TED talk is an […]

Good to Great Book Review - book cover

Jim Collins classic study of the companies that greatly exceeded the stock market and their nearest competitor over a 15 year period is an excellent study on how to take average/good organizations and get them on a more focused and discipline path to profitable growth. Although the case studies are with exchange listed/traded companies, the […]

It's the Manager Book Review - book cover

If you’re looking for the key ingredients to get an engaged workforce, this is a great cookbook. To be clear, the key word is “engaged”. Employees sometimes stay because they feel comfortable, because they’re creatures of habit, because they like the owner, or because it’s just too scary to think about doing anything else. The […]

Traction Book Review - book cover

Why We Love This Book It’s as if Gino Wickman took 20 good business books, translated them into non-business MBA speak, and wrote an instruction manual on how to operate a business. We suggest this book for every client who hasn’t already read it. Easy to read, lots of drawings and pictures, and filled with […]