Peak Business Navigation is based in Madison, WI, serving clients in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana.
Key to developing engaged employees that are bonded to your organization is developing a belief that the organization serves a greater purpose than just putting dollars and cents in the owners’ and employees’ pockets. If you want a great teaser on this book and it’s primary concepts, Simon Sinek’s 18 minute TED talk is an excellent primer.
Why we love this book
The book itself is like a motivational shot of adrenaline. The breakdown of Why-How-What that’s laid out is an excellent framework to keep in mind when developing mission and strategy to be developed by leadership and communicated to employees. Along the way, key concepts like tipping points, adoption curves and culture building are laid out well in easy to understand terms.
Any criticisms
Start With Why starts with Apple. Yes, we get it. Nobody has done company culture and brand building better than Apple in the past 20 years. If you’re an Apple fanboy/fangirl this will instantly connect you to the concepts. If you haven’t drank the Apple brand punch, it might not connect as well. Also, although they give fair warning, it’s easy to read this book and want to change the way everyone at your organization feels about the company in the next week. It takes time and is truly a bottom up endeavor.