David Epstein explores the other side of specialist vs generalist in sports then applies that to business. Recognized as one of the best business books of the year in 2019, Epstein argues that broad specialization in the early stages of one’s career is a critical foundation to growth later on when one eventually specializes.
Why we love this book
The stories and the flow of the book are extremely engaging. Especially in small and lower middle market businesses, being able to wear multiple hats, or at least to have an understanding of multiple areas, is critical to success. In larger organizations, too much specialization early on can also lead to executives that don’t understand the big picture and how all the pieces of an organization fit together. Epstein makes very compelling arguments not so much against Malcolm Gladwell’s often quoted 10,000 hour rule, but about the timing of when that deep dive should happen in a career.
Any criticisms
Sports analogies hit the mark with some but not with everyone. Epstein is a sports writer originally, so it’s natural he would draw some parallels. The concepts flow pretty well, but some may not buy into the sports analogies. Also, when the specialist vs the generalist is warranted is explored but the conclusions are a bit fuzzy at times.